M-F 9-5:30 | Sat 9-2 | Sun Closed
1 (800) 733-PLAY |  270-885-0074



Have you ever fallen in love with an instrument, but didn't have the money to purchase it?  You probably worked and worked to save money, pinched pennies, and went without that extra latte' just to reach your goal of purchasing that instrument that's been on your mind.  When you walked in the store to finally take it home, however...






Well you don't have to worry about that anymore! Music Central offers an in-house layaway program for all its inventory.  If you fall in love with an instrument you want, but don't have the money to take it home with you, just put 20% of the purchase price down, and we will hold the instrument for you and protect it from all the other people that are sure to fall in love with it!   As long as you get it paid off in the next  90 days, you can rest assured it'll be YOURS to keep - forever! 
